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Friday, April 30, 2010

woots! chi paper and el paper no more liao!(: btw got a stupid hair-cut from gek poh and the hairdresser cut my hair till damn short..=.= went sch and i was expecting a wow from everybody but to my suprise,no body did! except desmond who laughed like a dick when his own one is more suckish than mine!=.= then went for pe. damn sian played volleyball. then had a minor competition about dribbling the ball and i won!(: went back class and el..damn sian can. me and yz were playing soccer. LOL damn funny. then play hangman. HAHA words cannot say..LOL then also play bingo. won and des gave me one mentos!(: then went for recess. played bball and fell down..sian diao la. my hand tio cut..then went back class chi. wa lan the teacher gl me sian bitch. talking then minus one mark from my ca test. bitch. can go die now la.=.= exam finish still wanna study. why dun u go bang a wall and die man. maths was relaxing. did completing squares. then played bball with guys cause later got tuition at 4..sian diao. forgot bring all my things for tuition. the tuition teacher gl me. _|_ man..then went home. tomorrow is gonna be a big day for me!

7:09 PM

Monday, April 26, 2010

ok i cannot help posting man..LOL jusid dfinish my maths and now nth to do and since my parents are both out..y not cherish the time i have!(: today went sch and my hair is freaking messy liao..need go cut hair..even tao guang's hair win me!=.= mrs chia took mr ting's cme period to go through geog..not fair..then physics. that teacher dun like me lor..wtf sia. like i like her like that..then chi. wa lao fail by like 3 marks? that test was shit man..then went for recess. played bball in the drizzle. hope dun get sick(: then went back class ss..damn sian la! was crapping like hell bout star awards ytd. bai wei xiu. LOL then chem. understood mole at last. MUAHAHA then went jp after sch wif tg,sm,ms,ellene and krisha. crapped a lot on the bus with tg. then went fairprice extra cause sm owe me 1 tube of mentos.(: then went to popular but TYS. finally got it. today is my no tuition day but i saw two of my tuition teachers at popular..wtf sia. no discount for the book.wtf sia. then went home. dad fetch me and dun noe y he was pissed..=.= reached home, ate and slept like hell. now my hair is messy like hell. LOL wanted to take pic but lazy.(: jus finished my hw like i have said and now hope my parents dun catch me using com.(:

8:18 PM

Sunday, April 25, 2010

ok i noe i said i was not gonna post anymore but since i have nth to do now why not cherish the time!(: HAHA today woke up at 11+ and felt damn energetic. went down watch tv and eat breakfast. then did some maths and mum came home and keep saying i doing my hw last minute..later she say i nvr revise my hw..?!?! i jus did?=.= went out for lunch and went tuition. did revision and realised i did not bring my notebook..the teacher was like where is ur notebook?! i said i nvr bring and its suprising he did not gl me.(: did alpha beta and factor theorem. LOL the tuition teacher tio owned by my teacher's formula. HAHA went home and slacked! watched tv the whole day.(: mum is home..thats one thing i dun like at sundays..

7:48 PM

Saturday, April 24, 2010

ok..i think this should be my last post since the MYE is like 5 DAYS AWAY!! AHHHHHHHH! ok that was jus plain...crap? HAHA today woke up at 11 cause i have tuition at 12. but i realised that it was too late..bathed, ate and realised that i was gonna be late..didn't care and jus watched spngebob while eating.(: reached there 15mins late as expected..did moled and realised it was freaking easy!!(: finally man. went home and jia swee was being a dick bothering me. LOL reached home and did not have the mood to do hw. so i took out the com as i could not resist and used it to maple but...there was a patch..so i buffet wars-ed till 4+ and did one pq in maple. then watched a real funny show with dad and sister. watched teen cribs and felt real jealous cause i tio owned by a 13 year old kid..he has his own indoor bball court, swimming pool which is probably bigger than my house, rock climbing and more! and yes, the house is freaking big! =.= my tian! they are so good man! screw those people who invented teen cribs to make me feel jealous! i'm gonna biuld like 5 bball courts in my house and 2 swimming pools bigger than singapore and have like 100 rocks for everyone to climb at the price of 1 buck!(: muahaha and i will not let teen cribs interview me! muahaha ok thats enough fiction for the day, HAHA

9:00 PM

Friday, April 23, 2010

I am blogging in my room! LOL i was sleeping from 7pm and woke up and 11.30pm. this has given me so much energy till that i can run to the moon. ok thats lame..trying to say i very energetic now. LOL today is a freaking tired day for me. went sch today and thought my mizuno bag with all my books inside will be damn light. well, i was wrong..it weighed like aout 5 kg and i was damn lucky it did not break. recess was jus plain crap..i was shooting free throws and des and ms was taking the rebound. then i "chop" for like 3 times? then des keep throw the ball damn hard at me..my left wrist accidentally injured now..and that caused me to do many push-ups in training when missing free throws..=.= training was kinda slacky..we did full-court lay-ups, free throws then over liao. and wu han pulled a total bitch move and pang sae me..douche..then i was like this idiot carrying a big mizuno bag walking home..LOL reached home and lost like 5kg..LOL did some maths,watched tv and psp! then slept like i said. now very energetic..think i'm gonna viwawa(:

11:29 PM

Thursday, April 22, 2010

long time no post liao!! today went sch and my hair is FLAT! yes it is damn flat not like the usual spike.(: i am very sick..i have slight fever,sore throat and runny nose..i have like used 10 pieces of tissues with 3-ply. LOL went hall and there was this woman talking about SP. its kinda cool cause they have karaoke sia. went back class and physics! teacher was late again..did geog and she finally came after 10000 years.LOL then geog..i never do finish the ws one but i just handed it in. hope mrs chia dun mind.(: went for recess and played bball! burned cj like hell sia. noob! LOL smwas being a pussy again? i rejected yz!!!MONSTER REJECT!!! haha went back class maths. wa 2 hours sia! =.= did many ws and finally finish liao. ss is next and the teacher gave us some ws to do. went home and i brought many books with my mizuno bag. LOL dad was waiting for me outside school. lucky if not walk home damn tired one.reached home, bathed and did hw for like damn long. finally understood mole thingy. WOO HOO! went tuition and it was damn boring. lens is very interesting. find it quite easy. went home and slacked. very tired. 6 MORE DAYS TO MYE!! JIA YOU EVERYONE!

-Jia you to you too.^^

9:02 PM

Sunday, April 18, 2010

today is a very busy day for me!! woke up at 9+ and did not realise it was so early. LOL wanted to go down to maple but parents still at home..): so have to stay on top at my room play PSP. LOL damn sian keep dying in dynasty warrior..went down at 10+ and ate bee hoon. changed and went to jp. my dad wan to buy his shoe. LOL he bought mizuno shoes. its quite nice but i prefer adidas. HAHA saw adidas shirt but cannot buy it although veri nice..i tell mama buy for me g=for my b'dae.(: went to singtel to see my sis phone. she bought an iphone. LOL she was like damn happy but i kinda sad cause all i have is a mizuno bag..i dun even like mizuno. LOL nvm la better than nth. went for tuition and it is freaking cold man. my pinkie is numb like shit.): then went jp after that. dun noe for wad. dad wanted buy sports shoe for my mum. NIKE SIO! but never buy LOL. saw roger federer shirt. dad say dun wan buy): went home at last. went jogging with dad,sis and mum. ok i need acc my mum cause she emo alone..my dad and sis pang sae her. LOL then ate dinner and ice cream! tomorrow have school..sian diao la.

-How do I get to know you?! This is so hard for me..

8:49 PM

Saturday, April 17, 2010

sian..today need wake up in the morning again for scrabble competition..damn tired sia. dad fetched me to school and i met up wif ms at the mama shop. walked into sch and saw roy. he was in pe attire and he looked stupid. LOL ellene came followed by sm and yi ling. sat a mini-bus there and ms was expecting a veri big bus..yi ling was like we onli have 6 ppl why do we need such a big bus?!?! LOL sat in the back seat and wanted to sleep but then was busy chatting. reached there like in 40mins. the school is freaking big and they have their own canoes. they canoe-ing at the canal beside the school. LOL there is not even water there. went in and got ready for the scrabble thingy. we went into the hall and i was like"WOW!!" they have like 20 air-cons. LOL it was damn cool man. hua yi is too budget man. sat down right at the front and our opponent is hwa chong institution. LOSE LIAO LOR..well obviouslly we lost. HAHA but i did score over 100 points. thats kinda good for begginer like me!(: after one game still have 2 more games..sian diao sia. next time a school with some weird name like beauty? i forgot liao. jus noe they are cheaters cause they discuss. i was playing with a tanned gurl who dun even noe how to play scrabble. it was an exciting match with her cause its like always tie. then got one stupid indian from her team came and helped her. bitch..duo gaun xian shi la! go home la..then 3rd match marsiling..wa lao. their scrabble is like"WOW" more wow than the hall "WOW". LOL went down canteen wat curry puffs! then went up again. was losing like 180+? LOL i dun even like scrabble!! then went home. shiok man pon tuition. HAHA went pet shop cause dad tell me go help cause he need do smth wif my mum. damn boring. my sis suddenly popped out from nowhere. LOL chatted a lot and went home with dad. reached home maple! then slacked by watching tv and nth to do cause nobody at home..): i damn emo now.

-Cannot stop thinking of you~

9:10 PM

Friday, April 16, 2010

-U are like an angel that came down to this earth but i cannot touch u, hold u, or speak to u.
-Although u are an angel, u do normal things like us like go to school so as to let me admire u.
-U are kind and forgiving and that add on to ur perfection
-U are jus LOVELY

5:36 PM

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Today went sch and did not do like 2 questions of my geog..copied from des and went hall for some lame talk. the fat teacher. ok let me rephrase. FAT teacher is giving us a talk about healthy food. LOL get it? haha i think she dun like express people. LOL then went back class and physics! teacher was late like hell man. studied light and i dun noe how to draw the guy standing in front of the mirror. then geog. teacher gave us back out table thingy and i got 8/10! woots. stil got good effort below.(: LOL then went for recess. played bball and my team is kinda good although we handicap. then went back class maths..i got 26/30! MUAHAHA got one question careless.): then ss. we went lab! woo hoo. obviouslly we played viwawa. HAHA was playing buffet wars and i killed 3 ppl in one game. accidentally ksed des..LOL then went to eat lunch and waited for our teacher to come bring us to the scrabble training. yes i am particiapting a sacrabble competition with 4 of my frens! ok the funny thing is..its the fat woman who gave us the talk this morning. LOL cabbed there and it was kinda long..talked to the taxi driver quite a lot. LOL reached and realised that it was woodlands secondary school when we are supposed to be in another school. forgot the name..need to walk there and luckily it was a short distance. went into their library and their school is kinda nice! their scrabble is damn good man. they have damn lot of scrabble awards. they gfot words like qi which i dun even noe that is a word! LOL then challenged ms and he was cheating by telling the guy to help him..obviouslly i lost..then cabbed home again. was sleeping. LOL then 185-ed home and reached home in like 15mins. bathed and realised i forgot to bring home my maths ws..shit liao lor!

9:21 PM

Sunday, April 11, 2010

today is my sis's bdae and i thought it was gonnna be an awesome night. but i was wrong. my sis frens are all fuckers who think they are the boss in this house. my sis told me to set up the wii in the living room and i was like ok. since its her bdae i help her. then i was playing as they are not using the wii. i then played nba live which i owe yz. PS yz. then sis came in and ssaid pls remove the wii as my fren want to watch soccer.i was like u tell me toset up this wii which is like sop hard and now u wan me to remove it then later she wan to play again she will wan me to set it as she dun noe how. i was like no. then she say nvm lor i off the main switch. i was like off lor anyway spoil liao i dun mind. then she was gonna off it then my dad say let him finish this quarter la. then she complained to my mum and my mum who has menopause now said that"JUNJIE WHY MUST U BE LIKE THAT?! COME ON LA JUST GET ALONG!" obviouslly i shouted back saying"SHE WAN ME TO SET UP THE WII AND NOW SHE WAN ME TO PLUG OUT U NOE! U WAN PLUG OUT U PLUG OUT URSELF. LATER U PUT IT BACK URSELF. DOG" then i continued playing wii. she went out and talked to her frens and i was in the living room. my quarter finished and i have to let her play. then she said" hey u guys wanna play wii ma? since ur soccer match is OVER." wat the fuck! if i remove it they will be watching for a while only and i have to help u put it back? NO then i on the com and her frens came in. like 10 people came in and it is fucking hot now. they were like treating it as their home and jus stepping on the sofa with their socks on and they jus dun give a damn. my phone was on the sofa and this dude or should i say utterly fucking stupid guy jumped on the sofa despite that my phone was right in front of him on the sofa. he missed by that small inch and i was like snatching my phone over. JI BAI DOGS SO WAD U ARE MY SIS FREN. SO WAD IF U ARE ALL OLDER THAN ME. SO WAD IF U GUYS ARE BIGGER IN SIZE THAN ME! U PISS ME OFF I WILL WHACK U UNTIL UR MUM DUN RECOGNISE U MAN. JI BAI DOGS.

8:45 PM

Friday, April 9, 2010

Last day of the week liao! PE was jus so damn fun. played bball and M.Cheong told me and des to desmonstrate wads a lay-up. LOL wanted to dee siao des so did a touch board lay-up. wasn't acting cool ok! LOL then play 6v6 full court. at first 4 whites. i'm not included. then tg and ivan who were originally my team went to the opp team! and so i was left with like yz jackie. JACKIE! YES JACKIE!=.= jk roy and jia swee. sian..of coz tio own la! tmd. then M.Cheong said i mus be a good bball played by using skills and not violence. i was like o.o??? i did not even say anything. all i said was my team very hard to play..then he ask my name like wan fight wif me like that..then briefing he was indirectly shooting me..=.= wan shoot shoot in my face la..then went back class EL. we did a "test". situational writing. its lame lor. then went for recess and was freaking hungry. after recess bought a canvas chips and chionged it down my mouth. LOL chi teacher nvr come and sub came in. he was my sec 1 teacher and he gl me..dog..then maths. MATHS TEST! it was easy. MUAHAHA! then did some graph drawings and went down eat lunch. then went bball court shoot a few hoops. need wait till 3 pm for my photo taking sia..=.= so went student hub to slack and "cui" air con. played scrabble while watching cj7. it was freaking funny man. then went for photo taking. SMILE! and went home. can't believe i waited hours jus for like 3 smiles. went gek poh to buy pen and correction tape. des was being a dick and did not acc me. maybe cuz he wus hum after kena bullied by some indian man on the bus! LOL but seriouslly the indian man very gl. yi ren pass money to des to pass to me then he go take. lucky he got return man. while waiting to pay, i saw something damn AWESOME! it was a key chain with the nba logo on it and its cleveland cavaliers!!!!! ooch! bought it obviouslly. HAHA then went home and dad was like so early?! i was like yea? bathed and used com. played lame hotel city cause nth to do. dad was jus pissing me off cause he wan me fix the excel in his com. obviouslly he needs to buy it cause i dun noe how to solve..LOL come on dad dun be so sheap =p now, gonna wat dinner cause i am freaking famished!
Here's some pics of the ball!

7:02 PM

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Today damn sian sia..hair sux like shit and today photo taking..went sch and felt damn sleepy cause ytd was revising for phy test..went hall again for some lame talk again..went back class phy test!!! Did one wrong question wrong and i think minus 4 marks for sure i think. went hall take picture. i am finally standing at the last row!!!woots! Lol. then went back class for geog. Actually we jus did a survey and went for recess. Sen mian did a damn pass to me again. And he got burned a lot of times..went back class maths test!!! Did it quite well. Confident. (:went home after that. slept like hell and realise i see wrong time when i could have slept more..went for tuition. Damn sian now..

9:16 PM

Monday, April 5, 2010

ytd jus came bback from malaysia so nvr post. went m'sia on sat and it was damn squeezy as my cousins were in the car too. their dad was too budget to get his own car..=.= reached like 6 hours and my butt was hurting like shit sia..went to eat at aunt's shop 1st and then went lan. it was damn awesome. i played 4 hours. longest time and latest time i have stayed in lan. had pain afterwards..GG man. then went to my "camp" which is my grandad's house to sleep. LOL woke up at 6+ to offer offerings to my great grandma. slept like 5 hours onli sia..then went to eat breakfast. then went cousin's home to play volleyball, soccer and l4d! LOL although head pain but can manage. haha watched zombie movie with cousin and he was being a gay dund are to watch.at 4+ headed back for S'pore. less squeezy cause my sis wan to stay in m'sia. LOL reached S'pore veri late and i have fever. now dad wan go check-up and i need acc him. LOL tomorrow chem test! hope i can pass wif flying colours~

7:06 PM

Thursday, April 1, 2010

veri tired..ytd slept at 11+..it may be early for some ppl but for me..ITS NOT ENOUGH!!!-.- went sch and realised that today have geog and i did not bring my geog hw back..sian chionged some and went hall for some lame talk about our principal's cousin going to south pole. LOL they put their faeces into a plastic bag to maintain the environment clean. then went back classroom phy. ok it was plain ??? understood some..then geog. wa lao mrs chia held us back for recess. wad pisses me off more is when we were late and 2e3 people were at the court liao, they dun wan to clear when we were playing and we had to clear if they were playing last time. i was like damn pissed off and scolded them like shit. asked them play dun dare play still wan gl me. fuck off la. last 5 min they agreed and i was banging my way into the rim. rejected some tall dude's shot. he was like wat the..wad pissed me off even more is when SEN MIAN TOTALLY JUS LET GO ONE OPEN REBOUND. AND WHEN I SAID OPEN, I MEAN ALL HE HAVE TO DO IS JUS CLOSE HIS HANDS TO GRAB THE BALL!=.= went back to class for 2 hours of maths! =.=||| then ss and cme. same teacher so chionged geog. finally finished and put in mrs chia's pigeon hole. sat 185. at coporation stop, BOOM! flooded with pri people who are veri noisy..lucky have ipod!(: then suddenly rain damn hard as i alight. -.- my umbrella is almost flying away. well i dun mind the wind blowing me back home.(: LOL walked home and my long pants is freaking wet..reached home wet and drenched and bathed. ate lunch and slept. woke up and need go tuition..lucky the weather is nice now! tuition was jus plain ??? too as it was phy. LOL jia swee was being dumb cause i text him saying i hate him and he dun have my number. LOL now, i think he still dun noe. dad fetch me to pet shop to find my sis. left my phone in my dad's car!!=.=||| cannot dee siao jia swee liao. LOL went arcade a while and some bangladeshi were looking at me..LOL tomorrow still need come here help my mum..sian!

8:27 PM

About me



To enter the NBA(:
Do well in studies!(:
Zombies to attack Singapore and i will save people with Will Smith^^

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